Teacher Resources
Explore Historic Hudson Valley’s many resources to help teach the challenging subject of slavery in today’s classroom.
Teacher Talks: Using People Not Property in the Classroom

This series of short films is designed to help teachers feel more comfortable and confident in teaching the topic of…
People Not Property Classroom Materials

These guides provide pathways for exploring People Not Property.
People Not Property: Website Resources for Teachers

Browse the areas of this website most relevant to student learning.
Field Trips to Historic Hudson Valley Sites

Explore K–12 opportunities for on-site learning at three historic locations.
Pinkster School Day Program

Originally a Dutch spring festival, Pinkster became one of the most important holidays for Africans in New York—a time for…
Slavery in the Colonial North Summer Teacher Institute

Participants explore how slavery was interwoven throughout colonial development and discuss how to teach this important but difficult subject in…
Traders & Raiders Website

Human cargo was one part of the extensive transatlantic trade among Europe, Africa, the Caribbean, and the northern Atlantic colonies.